Your Videographer
Hello, my name is Agne
Since the age of 11 I never went anywhere without my video camera, making little films of everyone and everything I found interesting.
I lived through 10 years of all the phases and styles of filmmaking, and graduating with a degree in Media Arts from The Royal Holloway University of London, I realised that this love for preserving memories of people, places and emotions, could actually be put to good use! Cut to today.
I still love filming as much as I did when I first held a video camera, and no matter how many weddings I go to, I still get just as excited before each one.
The vows still make me tear up, the speeches still make me laugh, and I can’t explain how much my cheeks hurt at the end of the day from the amount of involuntary smiling that goes on my face.
My Love Story
In school, I fell in love with a boy. We didn’t talk all year, both too shy to make the first move. At the end of the school year, he finally plucked up the courage to ask me out, and it was the happiest moment of my life!
We held hands in class and went to see Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire at the cinema. I didn’t know it back then, but that was my last school year in Dubai (where I grew up), and after a long and impatient summer back home in Lithuania, my parents told me we were not going back. I was heartbroken. We both were. And after a year of texting and MSN, our young romance had to come to a sad end.
Five years later and living in England, with a Bachelor’s degree in hand and a film career in mind,
I was ready to move back to Lithuania once again to build my future there. But as luck would have it, my high school love got back in touch with me, older than I remembered and living in Bath, just 4hrs train ride away. Before we knew it, we were holding hands again and going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt.2 at the cinema. But this time, I took my life in my own hands and made some pretty serious decisions.
Fast-forward another 11 years, and we are now married, living happily in our little house in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire with a pair of the naughtiest most beautiful little daughters. Okay yes, one of them is a Staffie, the other one is our actual daughter, but they are the best of friends and might as well be sisters.
It’s funny the journey life takes you on, if you just let it.